Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius ♐️
Oh full moon in Sagittarius!
Shrouded by Neptunian fog,
activated by Saturn, Mars, and Chiron,
this Strawberry Moon is
and energized,
and dazzled.
Sagittarius is
known as the truth teller.
Ruled by Jupiter and
characterized as an archer with an aim for truth,
Sagg adventures onwards
to distant lands
to learn the bigger truth.
The truth that
that is outside
of themselves.
Outside of what they know.
But… the truth isn't always what it seems is it?
the truth can be a little
A spoonful of cough syrup
it might be good for you
but is not very tasty.
Being sure to tell the truth to others
and yourself is a big theme of
this moon.
Staying aligned with your values
even if it means admitting a failure or mess up
is part of this lunar medicine.
Good news, with Jupiter, Mars, and Chiron
are all hanging in Aries,
the cosmos are encouraging
a new adventure,
to start something fresh.
They are pushing us up the hill
so we can see the fireworks.
wherever you are heading next
needs to be tethered
in your own belief system.
You cannot be tricked into
old patterns, denial,
or doubt.
With Chiron and Mars
on the EXACT same degree point,
it would be wise to heed
impulsiveness and impatience,
especially ones that
take the shape of an
old relic in your past.
Do not be tempted by bad habits.
Be weary of unconsciously
falling into old patterns or old wounds.
Keep an eye on your body
and how your energy works,
and make choices that reflect
your current needs,
not your past.
The illusionist, Neptune
is highly active in this chart,
making sure to
and confuse us.
This way or that way?
The sea magician
casts its veil over this moon.
Things may be hard to communicate.
We may have doubt.
But, why?
Why does Neptune bewilder us?
Because, it forces
us to dig deeper
into our own intuition.
The planet of illusion and confusion
is also the planet of
imagination and spiritual leadership.
These veils are cast
so we can step
out of what other people think
and into our own authenticity.
Follow the naggin hints.
Notice what is arriving.
Many things are arriving full circle.
I've had a record number of people
suddenly realize,
just this week...
"Ohhhhh yeah, I did want to take sound healing training.
That has been burning in the background
since 2020. I think I'll sign up!"
Sagg is the grand adventurer,
the global nomad
who never stops learning
and never stops being curious.
Summarized from the Astrotwins,
"Sagittarian energy wants us to join in the conversation,
make mistakes, learn and
be active
in the global injustices of our times.
It is easy to shut down for fear of saying the wrong thing
but that stops the learning process from even beginning.
Be aware of each other's world, self-educate about your privilege.
Before spouting off what you think is true,
make sure you've investigated all sides."
And as ever sure with all astrology signs,
Saggitarrius also reminds us to enjoy
the flip side of the coin.
Paradox is the middle name of all.
To relax and find joy.
Stop taking everything so seriously and
have fun with your motley crew.
To find delight in the world of shadow.
PS- Join our FREE Sound Healing Seminar and learn about the science and practice of sound healing. Sign up
PPS- We are also hosting a very happy harmonious Virtual Live Stream where I play live on zoom. It is FREE for members. Sign up here.
PPS- this post was inspired by Astrotwins, Forever Conscious, and Magic of I.
PPPS- I am pretty sure I was heavily influenced by the fairies during this post after reading this very dense book.
Image by: unable to find artist credit 😢 if you know who created this, please email me