Tonight we celebrate the Harvest Moon in Pisces at 4:54 PM PST
It is the perfect time
to think about your harvest
of realized dreams.
It is easy to forget
the little dreams
that have realized
over time.
In a culture
that constantly
on the next thing
it is easy
to forget
the thing that
*just* happened.
We get fixated
on the future.
The Harvest Moon
reminds us to
What dreams have been realized?
And by dreams,
I invite you to
deconstruct or, perhaps, reconstruct
may be a better word,
what our “dreams” means.
Dreams sort of implies BIG things. BIG stuff.
But, what IF we micro'd it down and thought about our dreams on smaller terms?
What smaller details and qualities
might appear in our harvest?
Per Moon Witch themselves, Sarah Faith Gottesdiener
“This week, as we soak
in the energy of the Harvest Full Moon & Equinox,
I invite you to
recognize the realized
dreams all around you.
Remember when you
what you have now.
These aren’t only material: dreams
require patience, discipline, hope, imagination,
and magical
cultivated over many years.”
Dreams can be qualities
we’ve cultivated over a long period time.
It is hard to write pieces like this
because many of us are underemployed, unemployed, dealing with chronic illness or abuse, the list is endless.
Many of us are struggling.
We have a lot of valid reasons to feel stressed and worried
for the future.
It is very difficult
to get above the surface of the now
and see the long term.
I invite you to
take a few steps back.
Can you look at
the long view?
When you move away from
the immediate present
what do you see?
What qualities have been cultivated over a longer period?
Magical Assistance exactly when you need it
Ability to Ask for Help
What did you want before that you have now?
My current world is very foggy with bouts of mild depression.
For the first time in years, I don’t see a clear future which
doesn’t feel good.
But, when I step back, out of the fog,
I see
many amazing qualities and tiny dreams realized
Sometime in the next few days,
make a list of, “Oh yeah, I did that!” and include qualities as well as small things.
Challenge yourself by asking, what is the tiniest dream that has actualized?
Wanna explore more together? Become a subscriber and Celebrate Equinox & Libra Season with us virtually on Wed Sept 22nd.
Image by: wasn't able to find artist, please email me if you know who made this beautiful image 😢