Inner Sounds Blog: Sound Baths with a sprinkle of Astrology
The Stars are Creating a Celestial Runway from NOW thru May 2023.
The January - May 2023 astrology is
rare and unique.
We will never see this type of energy again in our lifetime.
The planets are lining up,
giving us the
ALL Green Lights to
Ever had that happen?
You are driving along
and hit all green lights.
It feels magical, right?
Exciting! OOoooo, another green light - YES!
THIS is the energy
we have RIGHT now.
BE in pursuit of your dreams.
This isn't a time to
delay, wait, or put off.
Do not wait.
If there is something you've
always wanted to do or try,
The stars are behind you.
The stars will help
your idea, project,
or aspiration
go the distance.
BUT, we have to be sure
we are pursuing
something that is
aligned with who you are now.
Not 2022 you.
Not 2021 you.
The RIGTH NOW you.
We are in a cosmic window of future building
that won't stay open for long.
If you aren't feeling clear,
you probably have more to clear.
Pay attention to where
your energy
wants to go.
Be pragmatic and proactive
about what or who
is or isn't paying off.
This moment is about
critical alignement.
New energies are
arriving QUICK.
And they seek a brave,
aligned PLAN.
Know what you know.
And follow it with all you've got.
Still feeling not clear yet?
art by trashriot