Take-off energies take over
This eclipse is jam packed with
turn-over energies.
one energy is leaving
and another is arriving.
The stars of this year bear a signature
that we will never
see again
in our lifetime,
let alone,
many soul lifetimes to come.
Eclipse energy lasts for weeks, making this
energy the perfect take-off strip
for the bigger shift on Solstice, Mon Dec 21st.
We are entering a critical prep time.
Time to do those intuitive push ups.
Get eager
get ready.
On one hand, a solar eclipse represents a new moon
which goes hand-in-hand with
new intentions
new ideas
new sensations.
BUT, this particular solar eclipse new moon
is right next to the south node,
which is our cosmic trash can.
The south node wants to gobble up
all of the toxic mental and energetic trash.
This south node energy
wants release
what no longer fortifies us,
what no longer sustains us.
There are many things in our periphery that are no longer true.
Old patterns of behavior.
Old ways of being. People. Jobs. Ideas.
We've outgrown the awkward ill-fitting
versions of ourselves.
We've matured, slayed and conquered
some serious shit this year.
And our soul is feeling a strong urge
to integrate these learnings
and find its next calling.
This is a concentrated window of opportunity,
it will not happen again in your lifetime.
Use it wisely. No wallowing in a corona pity party.
We've been exfoliating all year,
scrubbing away internally and externally.
At times it has felt
It has been like waiting for the
worlds slowest
train to arrive.
This is the thoroughness of Saturn,
it will miss no detail,
it will run through things again and again,
it will restrict and narrow our focus
to make sure that
Stepping out of the momentary political and societal static,
there is a lot of new knowledge
about who we are
and what makes a good life.
And what doesn't.
We've been met with restrictions, compression,
slow downs, and discouraging set-backs.
BUT the learnings have been
friggin huge.
New levels
of self-respect,
personal integrity,
and self-worth
have been unlocked.
We are growing into this new more loved and loving self,
and feeling new hunches of
where to go next.
These hunches are likely a little wobbily or unstable,
or really friggin out-there. "Like, whhhhat? I can't do that."
Uh. Yes. You. Can.
Go with it. Get weird.
If you've started something and aren't seeing results yet,
be patient,
don't give up
on the long term.
Electric results will be arriving soon.
The star energy is magnifying,
whatever you put out,
it will double down on.
Do not give up on what is true for you,
do not give up on where your life can go.
Keep your gaze
Let the vision be big.
Let it expand in
every direction.
Keep your vibe as high as possible.
The launch is near. And only you can determine at
what height you begin.
Aim for several miles up.
image credit: justin peters
astrology content: much was inspired by molly mccord